The Uncertain is a story-driven adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic world. Humanity disappeared from the face of the Earth and has been replaced by robots. Together with Emily, one of the survivors, you will have to witness how people try to live in a world ruled by robots.
Hello, META gamers!
We have exciting news from our beloved publisher, META. HordeCore — another game published by them — just received a brand new update for its Prologue and we invite you to check it out!
HordeCore is a kick-ass coop action side-scroller, set in a post-apocalyptic world. You'll fight the Horde - a never-ending stream of [strike]zombies[/strike] undead. The new update brought some neat UI changes and gameplay adjustments to make your experience even better, so now is the perfect time to gather your friends and [url=]join the fight[/url]!
Have fun and stay safe!