Legend Bowl - Patch (November 3, 2023)

Legend Bowl

Legend Bowl is a throwback to the classic 8-bit and 16-bit football games of the past. Take to the gridiron and fight your way to becoming a football legend! Enjoy sim-style gameplay, realistic weather, detailed stats, franchise mode, tournament mode, fully customizable rosters, and much much more!

[list] [*] Fixed SIM ENGINE bug where injury related facilities would decrease player skill levels, resulting in more losses than expected. [*] Ball carrier no longer runs towards defenders when sideline is the better choice. [*] Fixed issue where kick returner gets stuck in end zone and stands still. [*] Decreased yards necessary for teams to attempt long Field Goals. [*] Receivers no longer block defenders while ball is in the air on pass plays. [*] Teams should now run the clock down when punting before halftime or end of game. [*] Fixed issue where SACKED banner overrides SAFETY banner. [*] Fixed issue where TD catch would occur in 1 yard play on next down and not counting TD. [*] Boom hit timer decreased so less of a window where ball can get dislodged. [*] Steam extension updated to help fix issues with unlocking Steam Achievements. [*] Miscellaneous fixes and updates. [/list] If you experience any bugs or issues please report them here or more preferably in our [url=https://discord.gg/3yPN2DG]Discord[/url] where you can chat with the community, report bugs, or give feedback on the game. As always, if you've enjoyed the game so far and like what you're seeing out of the game it would be great if you can leave a review on Steam! [url=https://twitter.com/KingJavo_SH]Twitter[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/3yPN2DG]Discord[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/MrKingJavo]YouTube[/url] [h3][i]Patch Version[/i][/h3]