The Shapeshifting Detective is a supernatural murder mystery FMV game where you play as a detective who can shapeshift into other characters, allowing you to unlock secret conversations and private encounters.
[h1][b]RADIO AUGUST[/b][/h1]
As you explore the town of August, you'll be treated to a streaming radio broadcast of specially selected dark fiction read out by some of our favourite content creators.
[u][b]STORIES BY[/b][/u]
[b]ANGELA ADKINS[/b] "Nightmares"
[b]MARTIN OWTON[/b] "Open at Midnight"
[b]DAVID F. SHULTZ[/b] "The Bag Lady"
[b]CHRIS HOPPENBROUWERS[/b] "Dimitri's Descent"
[b]ASHLEY VAN HESTEREN[/b] "Contagion"
[u][b]NARRATED BY[/b][/u]
Adam Day (CallOfCthulhu)
Brandy Clarke (Brandykins)
Jessa from The Jessa Channel
Jesse Cox
John Mark Clawson
Laceya Finley
The Raw Geek
Tex Murphy
Tim Leftwich
Venomous Platypus
Don't forget to Wishlist The Shapeshifting Detective or go right ahead and pre-purchase the game now with 20% discount!