Place your colony, find an alliance of like-minded players and triumph over thousands of other players to conquer the world through strategy, tactics, diplomacy and skill in the biggest social-interaction based MMO of all time. Upgrade your colony, collect items for your Avatar and become a legend!
Commanders, get ready to dominate BattleDawn 2! Please don't forget to wishlist us here!
With this launch we will be hosting a 1x and 3x speed harvests with a simulation for new players running at turbo speed (60x)! I highly recommend all of you play in the simulation to learn the mechanics of the game quickly. Not to mention this Saturday we will be launching a turbo speed world(60x)! We'll announce the time it starts later this week. So you will have plenty of things to look forward to in our opening week.
Please join our discord here: [url=]Battle Dawn Community[/url] You'll find very useful resources to report bugs and suggest changes to us. Feel free to give us suggestions at: [url=]Suggestion Board[/url] The Gato Games team is committed to resolving bugs and balancing issues you may come across in the game. We're aware that there may be some imbalances that we could not fix during our beta process, but with all of your help we expect to continually polish the game!
Last but not least, please reach out to all of your communities and let's work together to make this launch week a time to remember. Thank all of you for your support and see you on the battlefield!