SGS Heia Safari

The only campaign where forces of Imperial Germany fought victoriously till the end. From 1914 to 1918 in East Africa, you play general Von Lettow and his skilled Askaris or Allied troops from the Empire, Belgium and Portugal. Get the ‘African Queen’ feel when playing this exotic campaign.

[h1]IMPROVEMENTS[/h1] [list] [*] (Movement AI) Greatly reduced computation times by optimizing pathfinding [*] (Options) Added "Reduce map quality" option to allow the game to run more smoothly on older computers. [/list] [h1]FIXES[/h1] [list] [*] (In-Game menu) Fixed bug where background of In-Game menu could be all white when playing a game started a long time ago (old saves). [*] (Unit tooltip panel) Fixed bug where the units not currently hosted would still be indicated as hosted in their last host. [*] (PBEM) Fixed bug were starting a new PBEM game was not always possible just after providing the user's own PBEM email address. [*] (PBEM Saves) Fixed bug where the list of PBEM saves was not displayed unless the user pressed "Refresh list". [*] (In-Game Options) Fixed text of "Open saves folder" button, which was cut in some languages. [*] (Map) Fixed bug that allowed to see the contents of AI stacks by right-clicking on them during AI turns. [*] (Pathfinding) Fixed bug where aerial connections were considered valid for land and naval movements. [*] (Summary phase) Fixed a bug where Events were not considered as a possible source of Unit damages. [*] (Cards) Fixed bugs that could affect cards that inflict damages outside of battles. [*] (Battles) Fixed a bug where certain battles were not fought if loading the game from a save. [*] (Battle) Fixed bug that could allow heavy units to absorb more than one hit. [*] (Battle) Fixed a bug where a unit destroyed in battle would immediately re-appear alive in its last host (structure or unit). [*] (Siege) Fixed bug where killing the last besieger by lack of supply would not remove the siege. [/list]