A self-inflicted bullet hell that combines retro sci-fi with the sounds and sights of the disco era
Hi everyone,
Chris here, I'm the Product Manager for Excalibur Games. Today I'd like to announce that we will be taking Laser Disco Defenders to EGX Rezzed this week. Alexander Birke will be on hand this Thursday at the stand so if you have any questions or want to just come over and say hi, Thursday is your best bet!
Details on EGX rezzed can be found here:
Laser Disco Defenders still has had some great impressions from many reviewers and has been released on both the PS4 and the PS Vita. If you want to give the game a shot on Playstation you can pick it up from the following link:
Additionally there will be several other developers who work with Excalibur Games and these include:
There will also be a new game called Floatlands which will debut at the show
We hope to see you there if you plan on attending!