Language Options!

Rock Simulator

Become what you have always imagined, a rock with no responsibilities, no debt, and no worries. The only thing on your checklist is to exist and watch as time fades away...also to become the golden rock.

[h1]Patch Notes 10/1[/h1] Hello everyone! Here is a small update before I get ready for the big things [b]Languages[/b][list] [*] Added 6 new languages! You can change the language in the main menu under options. [*] Simplified Chinese (简体中文) [*] Japanese (日本語) [*] French (FRANÇAIS) [*] Korean (한국어) [*] German (DEUTSCH) [*] Russian (РУССКИЙ) [/list] [b]UI Changes[/b] [list] [*] Small changes have been made to the HUD to make the options much easier to see [/list] [b]Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Space and Ascend rocks now correctly rotate around the center of mass [*] The Jungle environment sound now correctly changes volume [/list] Let me know what you would like to see in the next update below! If you find any bugs feel free to message me on discord @Park#6615 or on Steam