Lakeview Valley Beta

Lakeview Cabin Collection

Delve into the diverse world of horror movies in this 2D action puzzler. Nothing can prepare you for the R-rated challenges you will face!

Hello everyone! Some of you may know, that for the last 16 months or so, I've been working on Lakeview Valley, [b]a RPG that is basically a serial-killer simulator set in the Lakeview-universe[/b]. The release is getting closer and I'm trying to get more eyes on the game before that happens. These last few months the users on the Lakeview Discord have been able to play the early build of Lakeview Valley, to try it out and help me find issues. Things have been going pretty smoothly and the game is shaping up very nicely. Just this last week I hit an important milestone and the game is now playable from start to finish. So if you want to try it out, now is a great time! [url=]Here is our Discord where you can find the links to the early builds of Lakeview Valley.[/url] [url=]Here is the store page for Lakeview Valley, wishlisting it helps a solo developer like me immensely![/url] If you don't want to join the Discord, (which would be really nice so you can be in direct contact with me for any issues but I understand if you don't) you might be able to just Google the link to the game... It's pretty openly on another gaming platform. Wink wink wink! (I don't want to share the link directly here since I wish I'm able to get some constructive feedback from players.) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/8438183/a43e82eda04765cdea77b1c2b6cc4850472c0299.png[/img] Now what else... Maybe some personal news since you read all the way down here. I've been doing relatively fine myself. It has been pretty stressful, trying to ship a new game. Had to double my anxiety meds to be able to function, but that's a small price to pay for some mental health during these turbulent times. At least I'm not crying all the time now so I can see the screen when creating my games. (Don't let that last part fool you, I'm still a badass) Anyway... How are YOU doing? Best wishes, Roope