The Ultimatest Battle is a real-time, 2D platform game in which two teams compete in different game modes with an almost completely destructible environment. UB is a true Free-to-Play, absolutely no Pay-to-Win.
[h1]Added Leaderboards[/h1]
These are visible in the community tab.
The available ladders are:
[*]XP Seasonal Ladder:
At the end of each season, rewards will be gifted to the most deserving players.
Each season last a few months.
[*]Total XP Ladder:
Shows the best players, sorted by level.
[*]CK Weapon Ladder:
Shows the best CK weapons. Sortable by weapon types.
[*]Total CK Ladder:
Shows the best players, sorted by their total number of kills.
[*]XP Guild Ladder:
Shows the best guilds, sorted by level.
[*]Guild Quests Ladder:
Shows the best guilds, sorted by completed quests