Kyle is Santa RELEASED

Hey all! Just wanted to pop in and mention that [b]Kyle is Santa is released[/b] and ready to be played! 11 new endings, some secrets hidden around the world, and a lot of holiday cheer is layered on top of the existing world of Kyle with some intertwining options and endings. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36125113/045560eebcd5246045b18e2ee4aa120918dcff4d.png[/img] Kyle is Santa is 15% off right now and will remain on sale until the end of the Winter sale. It's a great stocking stuffer. . . if your friends like the strange life of Kyle and his friends. Check it out here: [url=][/url] Love you all! -John [url=]Patreon[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url]