KS achieved, and new discord group

Eternal Liiivie EP2- Hiding in the dark

This is a pure love RPG, the second episode. After a long journey, Ita and Margarcia arrived at the second area of Mount Grace, the beautiful wonderland called "Malice".

[img]https://clan.akamai.steamstatic.com/images/36388611/c7493db32ca5d79c6ccc9bf89a6a4552339f64b9.png[/img] Thank you, everyone, we have exceeded 500%! The KS page http://kck.st/3MCXbTq Then we created a new group to separate chat and progress. For chatting: https://discord.gg/EtAk6rkxAF Just look at the development progress: https://discord.gg/TR3QpDmgs2 Coming soon: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1894100/_/ https://store.steampowered.com/app/2018440/_/