Krut: The Mythic Wings Achievement Guide

Krut: The Mythic Wings

Krut: The Mythic Wings is a fast-paced hack and slash, side-scrolling platformer based on a 2018 Thai CG animated feature-length film "Krut: The Himmaphan Warriors", following the adventure of a Garuda warrior on the enchanted Island, Himmaphan.

[h1]Hack-and-Slash Through a Realm of Magic and Monsters![/h1] Krut: The Mythic Wings is a side-scrolling hack-and-slash, a whirlwind of rapid combat and nimble platforming set amid a vibrant and enchanted world. Based on the South-East Asian myth of the mystical Himmaphan Forest, the game challenges players to master a gauntlet of levels overrun with fantastical and exotic enemies. [previewyoutube=_gOZEOCHg2c;full][/previewyoutube] To unlock all of Krut’s Achievements, you will have to defeat a host of enemies, clear all stages and minibosses, and complete every level of the game on every difficulty - tasks which require tenacity and tight combat skills. Here are some tips to help you conquer even Krut’s most formidable challenges! [h3]The Adventurer’s First Steps[/h3] Having trouble getting to grips with Krut, and clearing the first few hurdles? Are those scuttling crabs sending you sprawling in the sand? More than anything else, the game’s developers strove to create an experience which balanced challenge with enjoyability, in the same vein as old-school action titles. They spent more time on character control and actions than any other elements of the game, honing in on a system which is responsive, rewarding and above all, fun. With fun in mind - if you’re having trouble, don’t throw yourself at Krut’s early challenges again and again, punishing yourself with one of the higher difficulties. Consider changing the difficulty setting. ‘Easy’ is suitable for casual players, while ‘Medium’ and above is the choice for action game fans who yearn for challenges. Find the setting which suits you best, and you will have cleared those initial hurdles in no time - felling three foes and earning the game’s first Achievement. [img][/img] [h3]Building Your Hero[/h3] Clearing all stages and minibosses will earn you the lion’s share of Krut’s Achievements. To complete these challenges, upgrade your legendary hero to fit the playstyle that suits you best. Beginners may find that upgrading HP and Combos will ease your progress through the game. Honed the combat to a science, and looking to blast through the levels with unrelenting speed? More experienced players might prefer to upgrade Attack Power and Critical Attack, which will increase the chance for monsters to receive Critical damage and be temporarily stunned when struck by a heavy attack. Fully upgrade the this skill, and Critical Attacks will land thick and fast. Experiment to find the Upgrades which suit you best. Krut: The Mythic Wings is designed so players of any skill level can make their way through the entire game, enjoying the whole experience. Leveling up is essential to surmounting your foes, and bosses are designed so that any time a player becomes stuck on a vexing stage or boss, a few more Upgrades should be enough to shift the odds. [h3]Hard-Hitting Combos[/h3] Some of the most elusive Achievements Krut has to offer require players to complete the game on all three difficulties, and to complete a playthrough on Medium or Hard without ever exhausting your lives. Being calculating with your combos is a crucial part to succeeding when attempting to scale these mountainous challenges. Try favoring combination moves ending with a Heavy Attack, for the chance to land one of those Critical Attacks and stun your opponent. Players can then follow up on their frozen foes with further long combos - the fully-upgraded combo is an extended onslaught that deals massive damage. However, just as important as knowing when to combo is knowing when not to. Sometimes locking your hero into a lengthy series of attacks will leave you open to attacks or counter-attacks from enemies. Think tactically, and always be aware of your enemies’ movements. [img][/img] With these tips in mind, you will be well-prepared to tackle all of Krut’s challenges and earn every one of its Achievements. The mystical world of warriors and beasts, and blisteringly quick, responsive combat, will challenge and reward tenacious players in equal measure. Dive into the enchanted realm of Krut: The Mythic Wings now! Krut: The Mythic Wings will be available on Steam, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and Switch! [i][b]Wishlist on [url=]Steam[/url]! Wishlist on [url=]Playstation[/url]![/b][/i]