KovaaK's 3.6.4


Master your aim with KovaaK’s, the world’s best aim trainer. With over 200,000 scenarios, playlists and more! Embrace total customization, including a map editor and game physics. More than just a trainer, it’s a dynamic, community-driven platform that elevates your gameplay.

[h2]KovaaK's 3.6.4 Update: Bug Fixes and Enhancements[/h2] Version 3.6.4 introduces a series of improvements to enhance your training experience. This update addresses various bugs and brings several enhancements to the Adaptive Training, HUD, and Scenario Editor features. [h3]🐛 Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*]Fixed hitbox issues when using Height Lock on bots.[/*] [*]Resolved a bug in Scenario Stats for "Whisphere" that caused displayed accuracy in the Session Stats widget to be incorrectly scaled to 1/10th of its normal value.[/*] [*]Fixed Adaptive Training UI on the Scenario Editor's Challenge Tab.[/*] [*]Fixed an issue where the Local Scenarios Tab would not populate when not connected to Steam.[/*] [*]Corrected a Scenario Editor bug where changes to Spawn Offset wouldn’t take effect until saving and reopening the scenario.[/*] [*]Resolved a bug causing Sliders to become invisible when the Primary Color Opacity is set to 0.[/*] [*]Fixed OptionsTabHUD padding issues.[/*] [*]Fixed a bug in the Scenario Editor where changing character profile dimensions & saving the profile wouldn't immediately apply.[/*] [*]High Score Bar will now be hidden for challenges that end when all bots run out of lives.[/*] [*]Fixed bot colors not updating when previewing themes until clicking the Save button.[/*] [*]Corrected a Localization bug in the Scenario Editor with Create Profile Type Selectors.[/*] [*]Fixed the "Current Highscore" number bug in the Adaptive Challenge Endscreen.[/*] [/list] [h3]✨ Enhancements[/h3] [list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32392098/43037d1dbcaa86103097ea608388279f59f3d9b7.png[/img] [*]Set Max Adaptive Size default to 4.[/*] [*]Adaptive Size Height Lock is now enabled by default for scenarios with humanoids and/or cylindrical bots.[/*] [*] A checkbox was added to HUD settings to toggle "Show Healthbar Text" visibility.[/*] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32392098/569ad3a420a3444abc8bc01085a8ec5eaeea42c6.png[/img] [*]Adaptive Training: Height Lock – Added an option to lock the bot's height when using Adaptive Size.[/*] [*]Adaptive Training: Added Min and Max Target Speed settings.[/*] [*]Auto-clamp Target Size Slider – Now, the Target Size Slider will clamp values automatically when exceeding Min & Max values.[/*] [*]Added a checkbox for Adaptive World Speed, making it so that “Target Speed” becomes World Speed.[/*] [*]Resetting Freeplay now also resets bot health and ammo.[/*] [*]New Misc Settings: Added customization for the number of entries on the Challenge Results Screen Graph (0 to 100).[/*] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32392098/49253cddfab88a55e828e60e7ab7f892182fe9ea.png[/img] [*]Added a Progress Bar for the Online Scenario refresh from Steam Workshop.[/*] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/32392098/f55f66ef436061e12533391677c3d7dfe033c1e9.png[/img] [/list] [h3]📣 Your Voice, Our Inspiration[/h3] Thank you for your ongoing feedback and support! We’re committed to making KovaaK's the ultimate training experience and value your input on every update. Join the community on [url=https://twitter.com/kovaaks]Twitter[/url], [url=https://discord.com/invite/kovaak]Discord[/url], and [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/FPSAimTrainer/]Reddit[/url] to stay connected and share your thoughts!