Korea Dynasty 0.6.19 Update

Korea Dynasty (조선메타실록)

This game is a 3D open world survival exploration game that survives in the Korea Dynasty. Players Begin with slaves, change their status in Joseon, survive, and escape. Once free, travel around the country, explore hundreds of ruins, hunt, and collect what you need to survive.

[h1]Improvements[/h1] [h2]Item[/h2] [list] [*] Silk Top 9 clothing item has been added. [*] Silk Top 10 clothing item has been added. [*] Silk Top 11 clothing item has been added. [*] Silk Bottoms 7 costume item has been added. [*] “Gaejeog” clothing item has been added. [*] “Bokdu” costume item has been added. [*] “Pibyeon” costume item has been added. [*] “Taesahye” costume item has been added. [/list] [h1]Bug fix[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the “Cold” value would increase even when it was not raining. [*] Fixed an error where the weather was not saved properly. [*] Fixed an error where the action UI in the lower right corner would become strange when riding a horse in certain situations. [*] Fixed an error where buildings could be built overlapping natural features. [*] Fixed an issue where colliders would remain after a horse dies. [*] Fixed an error where some artifacts and cultural assets appeared abnormally depending on the distance. [/list]