Koa for WDC World Ocean Day Charity Sale

We are excited to announce that we are supporting WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation for World Ocean Day! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41890287/edc81afffa33096f1669550519473f3fdcfa0101.png[/img] The WDC World Ocean Day Sale starts today and runs until 15th June, 10am PDT 2024, and you can save a fin-tastic: [list] [*] 40% off in [b]Koa and the Five Pirates of Mara.[/b] [*] 60% off in [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/962580/Summer_in_Mara/]Summer in Mara[/url]. [/b] [*] 30% off in [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/33954/Mara_Collection/]Mara Collection bundle[/url].[/b] [/list] We will also donate 15% of our net profits to WDC to support their conservation work.* [h3]Who is WDC?[/h3] WDC, Whale and Dolphin conservation is the leading global charity dedicated to the protection and conservation of whales and dolphins. Their expert-led teams in the UK, Europe, the Americas, and Australasia work across the whole spectrum of threats, from climate breakdown to accidental entanglements in fishing gear. They bring together, and work hand-in-hand with, businesses, philanthropists, scientists, NGOs, governments and grassroots communities to find solutions to the problems faced by whales and dolphins. Their aim is to reverse the global decline in whale and dolphin populations by creating safe seas for these majestic creatures. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41890287/85ea3b02135e694e0d0887412e2f3c9b19d24838.png[/img] [h3]What WDC has been doing so far [/h3] WDC have been working across the globe to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises from dying in fishing gear: They’re collaborating with creel fishers in Scotland to trial new types of fishing gear to reduce entanglements of humpback and minke whales. They’re working with colleagues and partner organisations in the Central Baltic Sea to develop a recovery plan for a critically endangered group of Baltic harbour porpoises. On the west coast of the United States, critically endangered North Atlantic right whales are facing extinction. Entanglement is a massive threat to their survival, and WDC have been working with fishers to trial alternative gear types. In Hong Kong WDC have been supporting local community efforts and working with fishers to save the remaining 200 Indo-Pacific finless porpoises from extinction due to bycatch. These projects are saving lives, and they are powered by inspiring people working together for the ocean. If you want to read more about WDC, you can do so here: [url=https://whales.org/]https://whales.org/[/url] Thank you for joining us and for supporting WDC! [i]*15% of our net revenue from this sale will support WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation. Whale and Dolphin Conservation is a UK registered charity (no. 1014705).[/i]