KIWF2 Update #2 v0.6.1.5s

Hey Exterminators! Update #2 has arrived along with KIWF2's Early Access Roadmap!! [h3]Save Sync[/h3] [list] [*] New feature that allows clients to sync their save file with the host. [*] This will overwrite your current save slot, so use with caution! [*] Always starts disabled when you join a co-op session. [/list] [h3]Accessibility[/h3] [list] [*] Created a new sub-menu for Accessibility settings. [*] Moved Arachnophobia settings to this new sub-menu. [*] Added an option to disable strobe effects (only seen in the vents on the Vindicator) [/list] [h3]Early Access Roadmap[/h3] [list] [*] Added the Early Access Roadmap to the main menu. [*] The roadmap also automatically pops up when you return to the Vindicator after beating the game. [*] Some small text changes to make it more clear that Dimension Iota Eight, CyberCore, and Alpha One aren’t available yet. - Screens on the Vindicator now show Iota Eight and CyberCore as “Coming Soon” - Screens referring to Alpha One say “Error, Missing Datachip”, then “See Control Room”. After you complete the game, they switch to “Coming Soon”[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44237756/cc755b37e556055aed0cfdcaaa09c7d55de9b227.png[/img] [h2]Balance Changes[/h2] [h3]Spider Hunt[/h3] [list] [*] Exterminators can no longer see spider nameplates. [*] Spider idle sound spatialization fades away at close distances (only in Spider Hunt) [*] The Tracker weapon can no longer spawn in Spider Hunt. [*] Added more weapon spawns to the Vindicator and HEM maps. [*] Changed the Exterminator vs. Spider ratio on all maps: 2-4 players: 1 Exterminator 5-7 players: 2 Exterminators 8 players: 3 Exterminators [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [h3]Tracker[/h3] [list] [*] Vacuumed spiders no longer have tracker blips [*] The Secret Sniffer now actually works and has an audio cue to go with it. [*] Unlike the Secret Sniffer Pro, the regular Sniffer upgrade doesn’t take verticality into account; you can use this to your advantage. [/list] [h3]Rocket Launcher[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where the UI displayed your ammo incorrectly when guiding a rocket. [*] Fixed a bug where making a sharp turn with a rocket would cause your next rocket to spawn with the same turn speed. [*] Fixed a bug where standing close to level geometry would sometimes prevent the guided rocket spawning, but still use ammo. [/list] [h2]Misc[/h2] [list] [*] Added more signage to make it clear where the Reactor is located. [*] Added more signage to make it clear where Control is located. [*] Added signage to provide hints on how to reach Control. [*] Added a few missing localization strings for objectives in Arachnitopia and HEM [/list] [b]JOIN THE COMMUNITY [url=]DISCORD[/url] | [url=]TWITTER[/url] | [url=]FACEBOOK[/url] | [url=]TIKTOK[/url][/b]