A thrilling story-driven action RPG, with a rich open world, set in 15th century Medieval Europe. Experience the ultimate medieval adventure - through the eyes of young Henry - as you embark on a journey of epic proportions.
[h3]Feel like catching up on the story before Kingdom Come: Deliverance II arrives? [/h3]
We've lined up over 5 hours of cutscenes from the first game.
Perfect for a quick recap or if you fancy reliving the story before the next chapter begins!
[h3]Click on the image below to watch the full video on YouTube ⤵[/h3]
[b]If you are eager for more adventures with Henry, you can pre-order Kingdom Come: Deliverance II now.[/b]
Be among the first to step back into the storied lands of Bohemia and experience the next chapter in this epic tale.