King's Bounty: Dark Side Updated

King's Bounty: Dark Side

Time has come to join the dark side. Take a trip to the other side of Teana, to the part of the world that has yet remained unseen to the royal bounty hunters.

1. Crash that occurred when a unit linked with String of Life walked into a trap has been fixed; 2. Dark elves can be hired from Nazimus The Dark; 3. A chest that couldn't be collected in the sea near Amazonia has been moved; 4. Troops can't be hired anymore in the ghost ship on White Mountain; 5. Minor fixes in various dialogs. 1. Исправлен вылет срабатывании ловушки на юните, связанном нитью жизни; 2. Добавлены темные эльфы в магазин Назимуса Темного; 3. Перемещен неберущийся сундук в море у Амазонии; 4. Убран магазин в корабле-призраке на Белой Горе; 5. Минорные исправления в диалогах.