Kicked to 2023


Grab a backpack, boxing tape, and focus on what high school is all about: Beating the ever loving crap out of one another! Troublemaker blends favorite action-adventure-beat-'em-up elements from the strongest traditions in the genre.

Hey Troublemakers. We’ve got some rough news today 🙁 Since we’ve partnered with our new publisher, Freedom Games, we want to make the game BIGGER and BETTER than before now that we have more resources! Unfortunately, this takes time - time to work on the game, battle through code, and conquer bugs that come up. This is why we’ve decided to (unfortunately) kick our launch date into 2023! Thank you everyone for all of your support so far 😭😭😭😭😭 We couldn’t reach our goals without you UwU [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/39369668/d7465328e8c43d1c2c85911a91c15417150ee3c6.jpg[/img] Don’t forget, if you want to join our community and interact with us, hit us up on [url=]Discord[/url] and [url=]Twitter[/url]. We’re also currently live on [url=]IndieGoGo [/url]if you want to support us there! We’ll see you all at school, troublemakers! Once again, thank you for supporting our dreams of creating a super duper cool game from the Gamecom team! Stay tuned, Stay UwU