Kickback is a cross between Doom: Eternal and the bouncing DVD logo


Kickback is a top-down shooter with roguelike elements, where shooting is the only way to move. Repel waves of mutants, create combinations of weapons and upgrades to optimally navigate the enclosed arena and avoid collisions with enemies.

Readers, I appear to have locked myself in self-referential language matrix trying to describe the feeling of playing top-down action shooter Kickback. You can only move through the recoil from shooting, you see, which means facing the opposite way to where you want to go. It’s both very counterintuitive and very fun. To call something both counterintuitive and fun seems, well, counterintuitive. But also: fun. Which, as a concept is very fun to think about. But, also, quite counterintuitive. Writing such a incredibly redundant paragraph is quite fun, even though I’m just repeating myself. Counterintuitive, right? I’m going to try to escape this paragraph now. If I manage it, I’ll see you in the one below.

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