KARAKARA2 Released!


KARAKARA. It is the sound of aridity. It is the sound of dry asphalt and sandy winds. It is the sound of relentless sunshine, as well as the sound of a withering race.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25361475/47a593a1d11e2c3652e12a7bc4d9eead390631e3.jpg[/img] In case you missed it, KARAKARA2 has recently released on Steam! You will meet two new adorable characters, Rebecca=Valentine and Mari=Mizuno. It includes English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese language options as well as Steam trading cards and Steam cloud saves. Be sure to pick it up before Nov 17th to get a 10% off discount! :krkraisia: http://store.steampowered.com/app/745850/KARAKARA2/