K'nife Fight's Early Access Release!

K'nife Fight

An exciting party brawler that encourages you to play with your food!

Hello everyone!! We are so excited to open up K'nife Fight to all of you, and we are looking forward to hearing what you think of it! This early access period is so we can fully open ourselves to feedback and ensure that we fix all major bugs that will come up. We are aware of two bugs that we are looking into and we want to let you know about. The first is an issue with online games of more than two people. We are constantly working to improve stability of the online matches, it feels like too many things are being loaded at once and we're trying to find the best way to get everything in. This doesn't happen all the time, just something to be aware of. The second is character stutter when you are hosting a game. This is a known engine issue with Unreal Engine 4, and we unfortunately do not have an easy solution. We are currently in the process of working to have a custom character movement system made for us so that we can bypass this issue, please know this is our number one priority to get ironed out for you guys. If there are any issues please feel free to make posts here, or reach out to us directly at info@dogwoodgaming.com We can't wait to make K'nife Fight great with you guys, we'll see you in the kitchen!