Just Join Tournament II - 30th Sep


PANZAR is a fantasy multiplayer third-person shooter. You get to choose from eight unique character classes, team-based PvP battles, exciting PvE adventures and regular tournaments with real prizes. Advanced RPG elements, the non-target combat system and the most modern graphics by CryEngine 3 will make your combat experience...

Panzarians, [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5323408/a7fed8051e29723641c86fd388f9dc1d9a32dec2.jpg[/img] Let this be the next challenge, in every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins. [b] 1st Place: 4000 2th place: 2000 3th Place: 1000 4th Place: 1000 [/b] Battle will be [b]8 vs 8[/b] Max 3 of same class allowed in one Team For levels 1 to 30 E-Sport Style. First tournament registrations open Monday 24th Sep and close the day of the tournament at 18.00 CET. The tournament starts at [b]19.00 CET on Sunday 30th Sep.[/b]