Just in time for the holidays.

Archangel™: Hellfire - Enlist FREE

Pilot massive weapons of destruction and fight over post-apocalyptic lands in this free-roaming shooter: It is an explosive clash of god-like mech weaponry and team deathmatch gameplay.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/29119691/e55015cd03e051828df5e21b169a035927d6b621.jpg[/img] We've launched two new mechs, M1KL and Safety Bot! M1KL was inspired by the AI from Archangel's original campaign, and now fights for the USFF as a light-class mech. Safety Bot was originally created for PWND, (Skydance's Arena Shooter), but was destined to war for HUMNX as a heavy-class mech. All pilots who've purchased the game can now battle in these new war machines. In addition to the new mechs, we've re-tuned Archangel Hellfire based on balancing requests from our community in Discord: We appreciate all your feedback. Another shout-out and thank you to PeskyCashew for leading the charge on gathering the info in Discord. [i][b] PS: Want to wow someone who has it all this holiday season? Give them a six-story mech and gift Archangel Hellfire while it's on sale in the Steam Store...[/b][/i] Thanks for playing and happy holidays!