Just Cause 2 PC Players Can Get a Taste of That Sweet Fan-Made Multiplayer This Weekend | Just Cause | Gamehypes

Just Cause 2 PC Players Can Get a Taste of That Sweet Fan-Made Multiplayer This Weekend

Just Cause

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Just Cause 2 PC Players Can Get a Taste of That Sweet Fan-Made Multiplayer This Weekend So, you've read all about the ambitious multiplayer add-on that that a group of modders has been working on for the PC release of Avalanche's hit sandbox action game. You've seen the insane stuntsand unscripted chaos, and said to yourself, "Man, I want me some of that."

Well, you're in luck. Over on the the JC-MP official site, the powers that be have announce that they're opening up the servers this weekend to let folks put the latest version of the build through its paces. The 0.7 version of the JC2-MP includes better weapon accuracy and extended passenger sync, which will let multiple players ride in one vehicle. Head on over to the forums to find out when and how you can parachute into the crazy.