Jurassic Fantasy Major Update! + Announcement

Jurassic Fantasy

Follow a young wizard in his path to find the Magical Stones and himself in this Jurassic Fantasy!

Hello! We've been gathering feedback from the community for the past couple of months and now we're happy to announce the first Major Update of Jurassic Fantasy! [h1]CONTENT[/h1] [list] [*] SAVE/LOAD FEATURE Now you can save and load your stats (def, atk, spd; not your position) at any time through the PAUSE (Escape) screen. [*] SPRITE REDESIGN We also made some changes in some of the sprites from the game, specifically the map tileset. We updated the Store Page with new screenshots from the game if you want to check it out before you play it! [*] DAY/NIGHT The game now changes the lights from time to time to create an idea of day/night. This, in addition to the sprite redesign was made aiming at creating a more atmospheric environment. [*] SOUNDTRACK We created seven new tracks for the game and added already. These are from: start; introduction story; map; shop; woz wear spot; end game and death scenes. [/list] [h2]Jurassic Fantasy II Announcement[/h2] We're also happy to announce that we started working (pre-production) on the following story of Jurassic Fantasy. While this first game is mainly focused on the adventure/action aspect, we plan to make Jurassic Fantasy II more story-driven, and it will take place right after the events of Jurassic Fantasy. We will keep you guys updated as we advance in this production. That's it for today. We hope you guys enjoy the new features and the new design of Jurassic Fantasy. This isn't a final thing, and we're still gathering feedbacks and new updates will be released as needed. Please, feel free to leave any feedback regarding anything about the game: design, bugs, story etc., so we can work on polishing the game even more! Thank you all, LGV