June 19 update: 12 new Mayhem mode modifiers and 5 new music tracks!


Frantic 4-player laser ricocheting top-down shooter. Keep it casual and enjoy the chaos, or master the surprisingly deep mechanics to obliterate your enemies. Duke it out locally in free-for-all or 2v2.

Changes: [list] [*] Added 12 new modifiers to Mayhem mode, increasing the total number from 8 to 20. The new modifiers include [i]quad shot[/i] (shoot in every direction at once) and [i]slow shield [/i] (the shield travels slowly enough for players to set up advanced reflect combos using multiple shields). [*] Added "modifier combos" which may trigger later on in Mayhem mode matches. These activate two modifiers at once, creating even more chaotic fun. [*] Added 5 new music tracks! A million thanks to vrklgn for the musical contributions. There might also be another track hidden somewhere... [*] The win screen now shows each player's total number of wins for the current session (the session is reset when exiting to the main menu). [/list]