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Malone In Nightmares

Malone is not a brave boy, and there is always a strange, mysterious monster lurking in the shadow of his nightmares. Tonight, Malone will have to face his nightmare. Enter the world of Malone and step into a 2D platform adventure born in the mind of a little boy.

[h1]Hello lost in nightmares![/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40136929/df3fb5eed7a0aff5da1aebfbbb5489606f2931a6.png[/img] We are very happy about our first devlog on the steam profile! We would like to cordially invite you all to our social media and additionally to our discord server! [url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Reddit[/url] If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on discord! We cordially invite you to visit us! :) [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40136929/ec29dadf15db1421b9984cc1234b28314f448a34.png[/img][/url]