Jobsworth Parish Council unveil new website!

Jobsworth Weekly

Congratulations! During the latest parish council meeting we have unanimously agreed that you are to be editor-in-chief of our community newsletter "Jobsworth Weekly". Adhere to the publishing guidelines and make decisions with great consideration for the future of the village.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44868486/0ce435f467ab713cf0c0a4af457eeb2d9a08c57d.jpg[/img] The Jobsworth Parish Council (JPC) is very pleased to finally reveal the new and improved Jobsworth Parish Council website located at the following address: [url=] [/url] Here you will find totally up to date information on all your parish councillors, noteworthy locations in the village, projects the council is working on and even the first known recording of the Clarence Fletcher radio show “Saturdays with Clarence Fletcher”. We hope all residents* enjoy using the new site please leave any and all feedback below and a member of the council will reply during business hours. * Non residents please ignore this announcement thank you