JDM Support and Tips

JDM: Japanese Drift Master

Welcome to Japan, the drift capital of the world! Compete, drift, and race on miles of varied roads and winding mountain trails. Drive through towns nestled at the scenic Haikama Lake. Spend your savings on new cars and get a taste of Japanese tuning style.

[h1]Ossu,[/h1] We’re absolutely thrilled by the incredible response to the release of [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1364930/JDM_Rise_of_the_Scorpion/]JDM: Rise of the Scorpion[/url][/b]! A huge thank you to everyone who played the prologue and shared their thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback is invaluable as we work to resolve the issues and bugs you’ve encountered. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021335/25815c662442c00804f4ac060b0326d576ed8415.png[/img] [h2]DRIVING ASSISTS[/h2] Since the demo, we’ve expanded the amount of driving assist options available to you. Some of them are now disabled when launching the game for the first time, so we’ve put together some essential information on what they do and what we recommend. While certain parameters may seem complex, our goal is to help you fine-tune your experience to best suit your style. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021335/2d8ecdcddbae702171557d96012a9bea4f66c810.png[/img] [list] [*] ABS - Enhances braking and helps to maintain control during turns. Recommended to keep ‘ON’ for improved driving stability. [*] TCS - Prevents wheel skidding. Turn ‘OFF’ when drifting for better skid control. [*] ESP - Helps to prevent loss of vehicle control. Recommended ‘OFF’ unless you’re roaming the open world or in situations where you want the car to keep steady on the track at all costs. [*] Gearbox - Adjusts the gearbox control type. Modify according to your driving preference. [*] Gamepad & Keyboard assist - Limits the car’s front axle twisting, making it easier to control via gamepad and keyboard. Turn ‘ON’ for gamepads and keyboard, and ‘OFF’ when using a steering wheel. [/list] [h2]CRASHES[/h2] If you get an error on launch, in which OPENXR is mentioned, please do the following: remove the openxr_loader.dll file You can find the file in the following folder: ProgramFiles(x86) > Steam > SteamApps > Common > JDMrots > Engine > Binaries > ThirdParty > OpenXR [h2]PERFORMANCE ISSUES[/h2] We're looking into performance issues some of you have been reporting; If you meet the game's requirements and experience low performance, please reach out to us at: support@jdmgame.com. In the email please provide more information on your hardware specs, information on your in-game graphical settings, and information if the issues persist at all times or are only present in certain situations or locations. Also, please include a dxdiag file. How to obtain a dxdiag file: [list] [*] Press the windows button on your keyboard [*] Type dxdiag and hit enter [*] Wait for the diagnostic tool to gather data and press save all information [*] Attach the created .txt file to the email [/list] We need as much information as possible to understand where the issue is coming from and create a fix. [h2]STUTTERING ISSUE[/h2] Our observations show some AMD CPUs (most observed in the 5000 series) have a stuttering issue in JDM, which is caused by their PBO (Precision Boost Overdrive) function. If you use such a CPU, and you're experiencing frame stuttering/lag - turning that function off could help reduce or even get rid of the problem entirely. If you're using AMD Adrenalin software you should turn off this function from automatically triggering, and additionally, you can also turn it off in BIOS: To turn it off. BIOS: Settings --> AMD OverClocking --> Precision Boost Overdrive [h2]STEERING WHEEL SETTINGS[/h2] We’ve also prepared a short video tutorial on how to customize keybindings for your hardware. Please watch it if you’re having trouble setting up your steering wheel. [previewyoutube=rzMybda8tog;full][/previewyoutube] If you continue to experience issues after customizing keybindings, please send us your Saved/Config folder. You can find this folder here: Main computer > System > Users > USER > AppData > Local > JDM > Saved > Config Email the folder to: [b]support@jdmgame.com[/b]. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021335/c9a53e25b0be7bfc5cf85e2d0bb7383dba1f9cfd.png[/img] [h2]REPORT BUGS AND ISSUES[/h2] If you encounter any problems related to controls, settings, or performance, please reach out to us. While we may not be able to address every issue immediately, gathering your feedback helps us prioritize fixes more effectively. You can contact us through the [url=https://discord.gg/44VFMPTVtb]Discord server[/url], post in the appropriate thread on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1364930/discussions/0/]Steam Discussion Forums[/url] or via email: [b]support@jdmgame.com[/b]. [h2]DISCORD[/h2] For additional feedback or suggestions, join our JDM [b][url=https://discord.gg/44VFMPTVtb]Discord[/url][/b] server, where our team is ready to assist with any issues. Also, don’t forget to participate in our [url=https://forms.gle/aXhogARNdfggVFAX7][b]survey[/b][/url], which will help us improve the prologue with upcoming patches and make the full version of JDM even better. [b]JDM: Japanese Drift Master[/b] is set to premiere this fall. Add it to your Steam [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1153410/JDM_Japanese_Drift_Master/]wishlist[/url] to stay updated on all announcements and updates. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1153410/JDM_Japanese_Drift_Master/ Let’s Drift! Gaming Factory [url=https://discord.gg/44VFMPTVtb][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021335/618bfac24d1cff12fafa9b6d2833607b268933a4.jpg[/img][/url]