Japanese Localization Mod

World of Subways 4 – New York Line 7

The series "World of Subways" features some of the most interesting Subway Routes of the world for the PC. Once again World of Subways 4 comes back to New York, perhaps the most exciting city in the world. The whole gaming world takes place in the 70ies/80ies and is created in its typical look.

We're very grateful to announce that, due to the talented modding capabilities of our community member Naoki Oshibi, World of Subways has been localized in Japanese! Being a mod, you will need to follow the instructions found in the guide by Naoki on Steam in order to install and run the mod to enable the Japanese localization: https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1796379475 直樹ありがとうございました Naoki arigatōgozaimashita Thank you very much Naoki