It s Sky Noon, and this knockabout online FPS is out now

Sky Noon

Sky Noon is a First-Person Shooter with Brawler mechanics. Players are equipped with a grappling hook, a lasso and an arsenal of weapons and abilities. There is no health in Sky Noon - players eliminate their enemies by pushing and pulling them off the Floating Frontier.

Sky Noon

Be still my beating heart; someone has found a way to combine wild west aesthetics, the mechanics of Smash Bros, and a competitive FPS structure that doesn’t instantly hand a win to the first player to put a crosshair over someone’s head. Lunar Rooster’s Sky Noon is an online FPS set in a weird floating wild west, where folks navigate with rocket boots and grappling hooks, and guns shoot compressed air instead of hot lead, and it’s out today, albeit via early access.
