it's becalm's birthday :)


Fancy a relaxing drift through magical waters? Enjoy this seafaring voyage in search of the sunset!

[b]It's been a whole year since Becalm's first voyage on Steam's lovely shores :)[/b] During this time over [b]78+ THOUSAND[/b] of you took a pleasant sailing break! I'd *never* imagine so many would enjoy this short experience. Really glad to hear it's helped out during difficult times, work antics, lazy afternoons, and.... *checks notes*... babysitting? Haha nice! Want to thank all of you for trying it out :) all the kind comments, screenshots and experiences. Means the world to me! <3 -Colorfiction [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34101866/490d4d6282330f46cc1376af4f33bbf26cb95bf2.gif[/img] ps: the multiple platform ports are still happening ;) Also if you haven't played in a while, the recent v.3 patch added directional sound! For the latest news on projects and other cool stuff; [url=]Twitter[/url], [url=]Youtube[/url], [url=]Homepage[/url]