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MouseBot: Escape from CatLab

Grab the cheese and escape the cats in this hilarious obstacle course.

The hardworking scientist cats of CatLab have announced what is sure to be their most purrfectly ambitious project yet: the creation of an AI-driven, completely autonomous artificial mouse. The robotic rodent, nicknamed "MouseBot", is being run through its paces in the basement laboratories of CatLab, with the goal towards creating artificial prey. "Look, at the end of a busy day, what cat doesn't want to relax and swat around a mouse for a few hours?" asks Boss Cat, chief executive of CatLab Industries. "But real mice are filthy! How many hours have you spent licking your paws when you could be napping in a sunny spot on the floor? With MouseBot, you can swat and chew to your heart's content, and save your tongue for the bowl of milk." By combining an advanced mechanical body with a new, top-secret artificial intelligence algorithm, the CatLab scientists plan to create the perfect cat toy: an artificial prey that cat families can catch and dismember over and over again without mess or fear of germs. When asked about the risks of putting advanced artificial intelligence into a robot, Boss Cat purrs dismissively. "Trust me, we have this MouseBot completely under our control. We've installed every safeguard to make sure it behaves exactly the way we program it to. Nothing can possibly go wrong."