It looks like Hostel director Eli Roth will be making the Borderlands film | Borderlands Game of the Year | Gamehypes

It looks like Hostel director Eli Roth will be making the Borderlands film

Borderlands Game of the Year

Get ready for the mind blowing insanity! Play as one of four trigger-happy mercenaries and take out everything that stands in your way! With its addictive action, frantic first-person shooter combat, massive arsenal of weaponry, RPG elements and four-player co-op, Borderlands is a breakthrough experience that challenges all the...

The long-forgotten Borderlands film might actually be making some headway, as Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford tweeted that Eli Roth has joined the team to direct it. Roth is known for making a fair few horror flicks (as well as that one weird family film where Jack Black plays a warlock that saves the world), so, yeah, no idea what his link is with Borderlands really.

Pitchford deleted the tweet announcing all the new film stuff this almost immediately – but the internet never forgets, Randy.
