Ion Fury Aftershock OST - Extensible Fury (Tracker Edition)

Ion Fury

3D Realms, creators of Duke Nukem 3D, Prey, and Max Payne, are excited to team up with Voidpoint to bring back the legendary Build Engine, famously known for classic first-person shooters like Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood. Ion Fury is the real deal!

Our friends over at [url=]Voidpoint[/url] have provided us with a new soundtrack visualizer, but this time: it's the tracker. And the track is a [i]banger[/i]. Listen below. [previewyoutube=xIRVUTn3A7A;full][/previewyoutube] [i]Have you wishlisted Ion Fury Aftershock yet? If not, do that [url=]here[/url]. And make sure to follow us on [url=]twitter[/url] for the latest updates on our games.[/i]