Inua - A Story in Ice and Time

Inua is a narrative game in which three protagonists have their destinies intertwined decades apart in the same locations in the far north. Explore each era, collect ideas and manipulate their minds to change the course of history.

Hello everybody! Igal here, co-producer on Inua, and I wanted to introduce you to [b]Inua's art direction[/b]. It was the work of Delphine Fourneau. The first concepts our art director Delphine came up with at the end of the first meetings with the authors blew us away. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/51205e6851b905d7265c3e2a8fba9a2012788ac6.jpg[/img] As the writing and game design went on, she began by defining the visual mood of the project through concept art. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/ae75070b5a09f07d88e2cdc43fcc7ed5ddf2f0bb.gif[/img] To nourish her artistic vision, she carried out rigorous visual research work. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/535dc3f35e58de2d12c19bae9b8bbb748ef103ce.jpg[/img] This preparatory work influenced way we broke down and restructured the story, and it played a big role in unifying the disparate visions of the various members of the team at the start of the project. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/301026e7fad3b4c1740413492dfbbab81f4042b7.jpg[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/c655ebdce93a57868e707816bd3314760efc2bdd.jpg[/img] We were amazed by her work on the colors. She associated each character with a unique palette, allowing her to accompany the psychological development of our heroes over the course of the story with a chromatic evolution. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/38f59390e9dec0a3e2d2522b96f2edea5b330692.jpg[/img] Then she began modeling, based on her own concept art and her research. Level after level, scene after scene, she gradually brought the environments to life. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/6d8a3947124d043e5d4ec66de1d065b6d373962c.png[/img] The in-game cutscenes are important to the mood and context of the levels, and each is a small animated movie on its own. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/0324a28d60141a261c508e59c1c6dc3cea51a5f6.gif[/img] It was Delphine herself, brilliant illustrator that she is, who designed each of them. Each illustration was then given to motion designer Abel Kohen, who brilliantly brought them to life. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40083292/ccf0984491e32cdde81c0292520cfb96e64027d3.gif[/img] If the game is beautiful, it's due to the talent of Delphine Fourneau. The entire team is proud to have been able to collaborate with a talent of this caliber. Here at IKO, we decorate our offices with her illustrations. [previewyoutube=SozHGhAJY70;rightthumb][/previewyoutube]For French speakers, the video where she presents her work on Inua at the last Game Camp : 🐻‍❄️ 🧊⏳ [b]Follow and wishlist on Steam, it helps so much.[/b]