Introversion s Scanner Sombre surfacing on Wednesday

Scanner Sombre

Inspired by Gone Home and Dear Esther, Scanner Sombre is a cave exploration experience. With stunning visuals and a terrifying theme, it is the 6th major video game released by Introversion Software - creators of the BAFTA award winning Prison Architect as well as Uplink, Darwinia and DEFCON.

First-person spelunker Scanner Sombre [official site] will launch this very Wednesday, April 26th, developers Introversion Software announced today. They’re sending us to explore a deep and dark cave network with the aid of a LIDAR scanner that visualises the world with squillions of coloured dots. It’s a curious game to see from Introversion, who are known far more for exploring systems than places in games like Prison Architect, Uplink, and Defcon. I like the concept and look but I have premonitions of lurking horrors and do not want to know. … [visit site to read more]