Introducing the Variety of Features in TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC!


5% of murder cases remain unsolved... it's time to open up these cases and confront the supernatural with forensic science! Solve cases by analyzing evidence and consulting with specialists. Enter a world that artfully blends 2D illustration and real-life visuals!

Hello Detectives, We know you’re just getting the hang of things as a new member of the Paranormal Detective Agency, so we’ve prepared a little refresher on all the tools you have available to you. Make sure to pay close attention and take notes if you need to, you’ll be using these features often while solving mysterious cases. [h2]Image/Video Analysis:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/dd564877859f4b1a48bc5cc9e857eced0dde425b.gif[/img] There are two displays, D1 (left) and D2 (right), so you can view a different video or image on each one. If you want to get a closer look at a piece of media, you can switch one display to full screen mode. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/0f6b1ac3cbae92e1aca220ea459ceb4d5a67099a.gif[/img] You can pause, play, rewind, and fast-forward any video footage you have. The specialized equipment can even scan the video automatically and detect faces via AI. [h2]The Evidence Board:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/ad6a22abd3509161ce289d079b51dba23acdbda1.gif[/img] Evidence and other information for cases is displayed on the evidence board. Any connections found will be shown with a thread. There may be blank photos with a "?"written on it. You can pin any evidence you'd like here. Evidence you post may progress your investigation, or lead you further from the truth. [h2]Consult the Dark Web:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/0e67a90c4c9b0fc037351ebc99599b9bf47b2bdb.gif[/img] The dark web is like a secret hideout on the internet, only accessible to you and the colleagues who are helping you with the investigation. When there's a thread on the dark web, you can obtain info from your colleagues or upload data that can be discussed with them. [h2]Save your Game[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/3f7b14dbf3f127e9ee5a404ae8bc2124473e72ff.gif[/img] Save your investigation progress by resting on the sofa. You can create multiple save files and choose which slot to save them in. [h2]Feed the Cat:[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44021040/a2779713f38558afe01b94725c5fde5e57270097.gif[/img] Let’s not forget the most essential feature to your investigation… giving Cat a treat now and then. Just a joke, but since he’s always hanging around, why not give him some affection now and then? We hope you’ll make the best use of all the tools at your disposal to make progress on your cases. We’ll be briefing you for a second round of system introduction soon, so be ready to learn even more about the features available to you. Until the next one. - The TOKYO PSYCHODEMIC Team ___________________________________________________________________ X (Twitter): Website: Add to Wishlist: