Introducing the Morphing Wheel! Demo Patch #1

Project Morph

Project MORPH is an action RPG with a unique player shapeshifting mechanic which brings a new level of combat dynamic and player progression. Become your enemy, literally, and fight fire with fire!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42852339/696b8bdceb5b7b4b487210ae472e70bd28e6d83d.png[/img] In this update, we are introducing the new Morph Selection Wheel for more intuitive creature morphing. This new feature allows players to quickly and easily select which creature they want to morph into, without having to memorize the exact button layout & mapping of the individual morphs. Additionally, we have reworked some of the colliders which blocked bullets or made you fall of the cliffs when you shouldnt. The update also includes balancing for improved gameplay and some new attack patterns for both the player and the enemies. We have also made adjustments to the UI and progression levels for a better player experience. Additionally, we have made changes to controls and fixed multiple bugs to improve the overall gameplay experience. [h2]Overview[/h2] [list] [*] Introducing the new Morph Selection Wheel for intuitive morphing [*] Reworked Cliffs, you can no longer fall off them when touching the edge of the ground [*] New attacks and abilities for certain enemies [*] UI and progression adjustments for a better player experience [*] Bug fixes and control rework [/list] [h2]New Features[/h2] [list] [*] Morph Selection Wheel for keyboard mouse + controller [*] The Mini Boss near the end of the level has a new burrowing attack [*] Chain-Attack for Flying Morph (Player) [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] UI Changes - Morph Energy Bar Style [*] Progression Level Adjustments [*] Death Collider Rework - Bullets won't be blocked by killed bodies anymore [*] Balancing - Stamina Cost, Attack damage values, multiple changes to attack animation timings, aggro range of enemies [*] Added and adjusted enemy spawn points [*] Controls Rework - changes to keyboard key bindings and controller button layout due to morph selection wheel addition [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Player floating in the air issue [*] Falling To Death Rework - Player can't die anymore when touching the edge of the ground [*] Multiple smaller bug fixes [/list]