Through the Woods is a third-person Norse horror adventure set in a forest on the western shores of Norway that tells the story of a mother and her missing son.
Dear fans,
As a thank you for your continued support, we have decided to introduce a huge update: completely new voiceovers for the main character!
We went back and re-recorded every line of the mother's dialogue with a new voice actress Malin Pettersen, whose voice is much closer to the original trailer. We hope you enjoy the new audio! Let us know in the forums what you think! Please note that only English audio has been updated, we kept the original Norwegian voices.
Also, the game's engine has been updated from Unity 5.4 to 5.6, which is also partially the cause of the download size. You should see some slight performance increase as well.
And that's not all, we're starting a massive sale, so you can now grab Through the Woods for 50% lower price than usual.
Plus, there's even more exciting news on the horizon. Stay tuned!