INSURGENCY “Early Access” Launches this Friday at 6pm PST

INSURGENCY: Modern Infantry Combat

Grab your rifle, join your team mates, and enter the fight. Take to the modern battlefield and engage in intense, realistic battles. Choose your side between a highly organized conventional army or the partisan insurgents.

Starting this Friday, March 1, 2013 at 6pm PST New World Interactive is proud to announce the launch of “Early Access” for INSURGENCY. The game will be available for purchase at [url=][/url] as a digital download for PC and Mac OS X. [img][/img] Fans are encouraged to follow the [url=]Official Steam group[/url] for the latest news and updates. [url=]More information[/url] on features included in Early Access can be found on our [url=]forums[/url]. Dedicated servers will be available upon release - if you would like to get yours set up before Friday’s launch contact us at