Talent Not Included

Set in the fantasy land of Notthatmuchfurther, Talent Not Included tells the story of three actors, ready for anything, in order to give the performance of their life even if that means facing mechanical soldiers, animals, hardheaded monsters as well as rotating cylinders at their feet. Break a leg, you'll need it !

You’re probably familiar with the concept of body language and verbal expression. For TNI’s heroes, body language is often associated with the handling of weapons, or the art of dodging or jumping, while verbal language is used to...well... Actually, verbal expression is also used as a weapon. Since the dawn of time, having some skill with words has ever been an asset, and getting involved in verbal sparring could prove fatal. At least for your self-esteem. The art of repartee is a talent that Bonnie, Cécile and Gundelf seem to master. In the words of the author of The Three Musketeers, ": Yes, I insulted him. But I wanted to fight him, and when one wants to fight with someone, one has to insult them”. But careful, not any sort of insult. The barb must be strong but hidden, and the creativity and guile must show through the syntax. This is why each confrontation is interspersed with formal and refined exchanges between the heroes and their opponents. By the way, did you catch all the references hidden in there? [img][/img]