"INDIE Live Expo" on May 25th at 1AM (PDT) - Featuring AMEDAMA!

AMEDAMA will be featured in the information program "INDIE Live Expo 2024.5.25," which introduces the latest information on indie games and will be live-streamed starting tomorrow, May 25th at 1AM (PDT)! Date: May 25th at 1AM (PDT) [previewyoutube=1AcYmpG9p10;full][/previewyoutube] Additionally, we are participating in the limited-time sale held simultaneously with the INDIE Live Expo! During the sale period from May 25 to June 1, you can get a 20% discount off the regular price 🎉 Along with AMEDAMA, three other titles will also be on sale, with additional bundle discounts available! The "IzanagiGames Complete Pack" will be available at 20% off. We also welcome your feedback and reviews! If you encounter any issues with the game, please kindly get in touch via Steam Community or send a message to our customer support! [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2411980]AMEDAMA Community[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/8ZJ3Ju7AKx]IzanagiGames Discord[/url] [url=https://izanagigames.co.jp/contact]IzanagiGames Customer Support[/url]