Improved Herocard droprate

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/18276969/6d29372e91a6f5ffd14360d9b14dc836406354a7.png[/img] This is a minor update that improves the drop-rate on hero cards. Herocards can be found in golden treasure chests, but the drop rate was pretty much : - First drop in random level 4-9 - Second drop at least 5 rooms later, and maximum 10 rooms later. It would skip special rooms like coin-rooms and arena-rooms, and the end result is that it could be very hard to encounter them ;) New drop rate is: - First drop in random level 2-6 - All subsequent drops are 4 levels between - ALWAYS. So let's say first chest pops up in level 4, then it will be levels 4,8,12,16,20, etc. One tip: these chests CAN be placed in secret/hidden rooms, AND also be smart about your level-skipping exits if you want to hunt for Herocards ;) Good hunting! OH, also want to tell you about the next Orangepixel game coming SOON: