Imperial Showdown: Fight for your Empire until April 18!

Conqueror's Blade

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Build your new empire in the limited-time mode[b]: Imperial Showdown.[/b] From[b] April 4–18, [/b]battle to achieve victory in a skirmish inspired by the battles of the Emperor Taizong of Tang, trailblazing rebel leader Dou Jiande, and the master tactician and general Wang Shichong. [previewyoutube=wuGYrGIso00;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Imperial Showdown: Mode Details[/h3][list][*][b]Map: [/b]Fort Hulao[/*][*][b]Victory Conditions:[/b] Capture the Flag and Eliminate the Protection Target[/*][*][b]Gameplay:[/b] Imperial Showdown is divided into two phases:[list][*]Phase One: Before the flag point on the city wall is captured.[list][*]Phase Two: Following the flag capture.[/*][/list][/*][/list][/*][/list] [b]Attackers[/b] Attackers should concentrate on eliminating the defender's protection target after capturing the flag point on the city wall. [b]Defenders[/b] Defenders should focus on defeating the attacking side's protection objective, and the objective that will appear in the second phase; or hold on until the end of the level countdown when the attacking side has not achieved victory. [h3]Reinforcements[/h3] When beginning Imperial Showdown, Leadership is capped at 400. When a Unit dies, 30% of the Leadership spend is returned, and 50% is returned if the Unit retreats.  After entering the second phase, Leadership will be restored to 400. [h3]Equipment[/h3] Any Artillery that is destroyed in Imperial Showdown can be rebuilt following a cooldown. [h3]Supply Points[/h3] Occupying Supply Points in Imperial Showdown triggers an additional mechanic that can only be triggered in one phase and can be triggered up to two times for the entire team; [list][*]When capturing an enemy Supply Point, the entire team gains increased stats and summons a friendly Unit at that Supply Point.[/*][/list] Build your power in [b]Imperial Showdown[/b] until [b]April 18![/b] [b]IMPORTANT: [/b]All information is correct at the time of publishing but may differ in-game.