Idol VS Furries

Hentai Demon

The first flying Anime game !

[b][h1]Available on September 15[/h1][/b] Idol VS Furries is a third-person shooter. In a stylized style ! Earn skins for your character, by completing missions in the game's 3 different maps. (In 3 Countries) The maps are all linked by portals. Take advantage of the ability to grind on pipes to move from one map to another. Fight the Furries They'll drop different types of loot when you defeat them, such as: Health packs, Weapons, Money, Gear to buy weapons, and energy crystals to be able to take portals. There's also a no-fight mode so you can enjoy the game environment without pressure. (You don't need energy crystals to move from one portal to another in this game mode.) A total of 11 differents weapons are available. Have fun !