Dive into the heat of this fast-paced battle arena! Customize the path of each magical projectile, cast powerful spells and gain a tactical advantage to prevail over your rivals in the Grand Tournament!
Welcome back to the discussion on the epic 1v1 battle arena tournament where witches, mages and wizards beat the crap out of each other with spectacular spells, devastating sorcery and eye-candy fireworks.
Last time we introduced you to the wonders of four different, but equally deadly, types of magic and the basics of spellcasting. Well, let's go one step back and look a bit closer at a basic offensive trick called The Ancient Projectile. Think of it as a magical Beretta. Every mage knows how to use it – it's fast, handy and universally effective. If you don't need anything fancy, if you just want to burn your opponents face, it gets the job done.
Everyone knows a good warrior needs to constantly polish his skills. That rule applies to magical warriors as well. Even the art of The Ancient Projectile can be refined as you gain more experience battling in the arena. A little tip: if your opponents are easily evading your magical arrows, make them bigger!
Every wizard has access to his own skill tree which, when planned carefully, can make him into a super powerful foe! We're gonna teach you about that next time, I promise. This time we just wanted to let you know, and it is very important, that The Ancient Projectile has its [i]own[/i] skill tree. Since it is a universal magic technique, announcements from the four main types of magic, it can be developed independently from your other abilities.
Stay tuned for other announecements about [i]Ignis[/i], and if you're sure you're not worried about taking a magical arrow to the knee, please add our game to your wishlist!