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..." inertia> I played over 30 new cozy games this year and these are the 4 must plays | Chants of Sennaar | Gamehypes

I played over 30 new cozy games this year and these are the 4 must plays

Chants of Sennaar

Legend says that one day, a traveler will reunite the Peoples of the Tower who are unable to communicate with each other. Observe, listen, and decipher ancient languages in a fascinating universe inspired by the myth of Babel.

This year, I did a bit of personal respeccing of my gaming habits and focused hard on cozy games. Like so many of us, I still love games like Stardew Valley and have given plenty of other farm sims or life sims or "casual" games a try in between Stardew sessions. But the label "cozy" really took off this year—video content creators are using it in their recommendation videos, players are using it amongst ourselves to search for new games to try, and marketing teams are starting to catch on too. So I planted myself in the cozy corner more officially than I had in the past... Read more.