I Am Overburdened, the new Magic Item Tech game & the future of KREEP

Operation KREEP

An extraterrestrial organism threatens deep space exploration missions! Only trained personnel working as a team can eliminate these infestations. But, the corporation financing the space endeavor has a private mail for you: Cold hard cash for the alien alive! Which side will you choose?

Hello dear Operation KREEP gamers ːsteamhappyː ! As the title suggest this post is not primarily about KREEP, but my new game I'm currently preparing to release... [h1]I Am Overburdened[/h1] [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25279227/b585d8c58453f5523840890365e99206bc82b283.gif[/img] It is a silly roguelike full of crazy artifacts and a "hero" who has 20 inventory slots. It can be wishlisted now: [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/690560/I_Am_Overburdened]I Am Overburdened - Store page[/url] It is a different genre, but if you like retro games or roguelikes I'm pretty sure you are going to find it interesting. [h1]And what about KREEP?![/h1] I still see people playing the game even today and that is a wonderful feeling. KREEP is an awesome game and it has it's special place in my heart, but at the same time it was never a financially viable project. I released 2 free major updates after its release regardless, but I simply don't have the capital/resources to work on it more ːsteamsadː . That is why I was focusing on the development of a new game. This does not mean, that I don't care about it or lost interest. As you can see a sale is going on as I'm writing this announcement and I'm still promoting the game, but no big changes were made in the last six months and unlikely to happen in the future ːsteamboredː . If you have any problems or suggestions regarding KREEP, please feel free to contact me. I have some minor ideas too how to make it better, so one day I may roll those out. Really sorry if this part made you feel glum, I wanted to share my feelings about Operation KREEP too.